News and Resources
Global research A New Education Story: Three Drivers to Transform Education Systems was led by Big Change and published by a group of diverse partners and 20 contributors, all committed to transforming education systems. The report is a provocation to reimagine how to set up every young person to thrive and an invitation to contribute and be part of a new story of transformation.

News & Latest Ideas
Funding for Education Transformation: Exploring Power Dynamics in Philanthropy
Co-authored by Hannah Sharp and Euan Wilmshurst, with support from Eva Keiffenheim, this article dives deep into trends and untapped potential of global philanthropy and explores how it can support education system transformation.
Curiosity as an Inner Enabler for System Change
In this interview, Eva Keiffenheim and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj discuss the importance of collaboration, what it means to be an effective leader and how curiosity can enable fundamental system change.
Transforming Education Through Global Collaboration: The Medellín Challenge Journey
In this interview with Eva Keiffenheim, María Paulina Arango Fernández and Gloria Mercedes Figueroa Ortiz talk about the Medellín Challenge journey and its potential for learning, unlocking innovation and developing new skills across ages, cultures, and borders.
Add your voice and ideas
How do power, purpose, and practice transform education systems in your context? Where do you see signs of change?
We’d love to hear your perspective and see how your work connects with A New Education Story. Join the conversation by sharing examples of practice with us here or on social media using #neweducationstory
Making schools work: How the science of learning can help students thrive
HundrED Innovation Summit brings together education experts from around the world to talk about the future of education
HundrED Innovation Summit, Helsinki
HundrED Innovation Summit brings together education experts from around the world to talk about the future of education
Transforming Education Summit, New York
The summit is being convened in response to a global crisis in education.