Curiosity as an Inner Enabler for System Change

In this interview, Eva Keiffenheim and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj discuss the importance of collaboration, what it means to be an effective leader and how curiosity can enable fundamental system change.

A guide to more inclusive and intergenerational convening

Developed collaboratively by over 10 organizations, led by Salzburg Global Seminar and Big Change, this guide advocates for uniting generations and sharing power, explores definitions, provides examples, and offers a co-created checklist for organizations and leaders to consider in their events.

Purpose, Power, and Practice: Shaping the conversation on transforming education

A New Education Story (NES) has become a cornerstone within a growing global conversation about transforming education. As we wrap up the Global Insight Series, we want to shed light on all the contributors who have shared their perspectives and helped bring the three drivers of transformation – Purpose, Power, and Practice – to life.