A guide to more inclusive and intergenerational convening

About the guide
Young people across the globe are part of education systems that too often fail to prepare them for complex challenges within their local communities and our global society. Education systems must change to meet the disruptions we all face, and making incremental improvements will not be enough. We need transformed education systems that shift the purpose, power and practice of education, to be inclusive and enable all learners to thrive.
Yet, young people continue to be excluded from spaces where important conversations and decisions about their education are made. With every education convening that excludes young people, existing power imbalances are perpetuated.
Uniting generations and sharing power to transform education is not an option but a necessity.
One year on from the Transforming Education Summit and the launch of the Youth Declaration, this guide offers a starting point for all those committed to sharing power and taking an inclusive approach to transforming education. This guide has been developed through the collaborative intergenerational efforts of more than 10 organizations, led by Salzburg Global Seminar and Big Change.
Whatever your role in shaping change in education, whether you are a teacher, activist, student, caregiver, government or community leader, researcher, innovator, or funder, this guide is for you. It is a starting point for all those committed to sharing power and taking an inclusive approach to transforming education. This guide makes the case for uniting generations and sharing power, explores definitions, provides examples, and offers a co-created checklist for organizations and leaders to consider in their events.
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Contributing Organizations